美国家禽业有多大? 美国养鸡业统计
- 家禽业的销售额为76元.9 billion in 2022, reflecting a remarkable 67 percent increase from the previous year.
- Notable growth was observed across all sectors, 肉鸡的销量增长了60%, 土耳其的销售额增长了21%, 鸡蛋的销量增长了122%.
- Price hikes affected all sectors, with broilers up by 38.9%,火鸡25%.9%,鸡蛋占138.与2021年相比增长了3%.
- U.S. poultry production expanded during the 2013-22 period to meet rising domestic and international demand.
- 肉鸡产量增加了22%, 鸡蛋产量提高10%, while turkey production in 2022 declined by 10 percent compared to 2013.
- Modern poultry genetics played a pivotal role in enhancing feed conversion efficiency, 推动价格竞争.
- U.S. poultry products dominate both international and domestic meat markets, 以高效的生产系统为后盾, 先进的基因, 充足的饲料资源, 强劲的消费需求.
- 肉鸡是美国禽流感的主要来源.S. chicken meat, accounted for an average of 67 percent of total poultry sector sales from 2013 to 2022.
- 鸡蛋, 主要供人类食用, constituted approximately 22 percent of sales, with turkeys making up the remaining 11 percent.
- U.S. poultry meat consumption has surged in recent decades, displacing a significant portion of red meat consumption.
- Factors such as affordability and health recommendations contribute to this shift, with poultry consumption surpassing that of red meat.
- 然而, egg and egg product consumption experienced a slight dip in 2022 due to the outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI).
What type of chicken sells most in the United States?
Over 60% of product sales accounted for chicken breast as the leading subcategory, 在美国, 鸡肉销量增加了4%.2021年7%. (Source)
What will happen to the chicken industry in 2024?
We don’t know about the future of the whole chicken industry yet but there’s one category that stands out. By 2024, both the dollar sales and sales volume of chicken and turkey sausages are anticipated to rise. This could be because many consumers believe that chicken and turkey sausages are the healthiest kind of encased meat products.
Who is the top chicken producer in the United States?
With sales of over 42 billion dollars, Tyson dominates the chicken market in the United States. Fresh and processed chicken meat are Tyson Foods’ largest product categories.
What’s the amount of turkey exports from the United States?
The United States exports 565,000 Ibs turkey products on average each year. (源)
What country buys the most US turkey products?
Mexico is the top destination where US turkey products are exported. (源)
What’s the top-selling chicken type in the US?
Chicken breast is the number one selling chicken type in the US.
What’s the top-selling turkey cut type in the United States?
Ground turkey is the most preferred turkey cut type in the US.
How many Chicken Processing Plants are there in the United States?
There are 2,979 federally inspected chicken processing plants in the U.S.
What state in the US produces the most chickens?
根据 官方数据 by the United States Department of Agriculture, Alabama produces the most chicken with a total production of over 6 million pounds. Arkansas is the second largest producer of chicken in the United States and Delaware is the third on the list.
Which country has the biggest poultry industry?
至于家禽业, The United States became the world’s largest producer of chicken meat with produced roughly 20.4 million metric tonnes of broiler meat in 2021. China came in second with 15 million metric tonnes of chicken meat produced in that year. (Source)
How big is the poultry industry in the world?
The size of the global poultry market is anticipated to increase from $318.从2021年的580亿美元降至350美元.2022年870亿美元. 复合年增长率为8.9%, the size of the world’s poultry market is anticipated to increase to $493.2026年将达到210亿美元. (Source)
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Written by: Can Malay, SEO Specialist – 拉菲2在线登录注册
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